SSR Almanac - Abbreviations

Here is a list of the Abbreviations used on this website


FG   - First Grade
2G   - Second Grade
RG   - Reserve Grade
QLDC - Queensland Cup
3G   - Third Grade
U23  - Under 23's
U21  - Under 21's
U20  - Under 20's
U19  - Under 19's
U18  - Under 18's
U17  - Under 17's
U16  - Under 16's
U15  - Under 15's
U14  - Under 14's


NRL  - National Ruby League
PC   - President Cup
LC   - Lennox Cup
JF   - Jersey Flegg Cup
SGB  - SG Ball Cup
HMC  - Harold Matthews Cup
KO   - Knock Out
CC   - City Cup
LC   - League Cup
SG   - Sport Ground Cup
SC   - State Championship
Pre  - Pre-Season Cup/Challenge
Mid  - Mid-Week Cup
Pst  - Post-Season Competition
AC   - Ampol Cup
Trial- practice match played before the season
Tour - non-competition match played during or post season
Rd   - Round


T    - Try
G    - Goal
A    - Attempts at goal
FG   - Field Goal / Drop Goal
2FG  - 2 point Field Goal
GP   - Gold Point
ET   - Extra Time
PH   - Public Holiday
+    - Debut Game
=    - Final Game
±    - First & Final Game


M     - Matches played
W     - Win
D     - Draw
L     - Loss
B     - Bye
FW    - Forfiet Win
FL    - Forfiet Loss
Ab    - Abandoned
F     - For
A     - Against
Diff  - Differential (For - Against)
BP    - Bonus Point
Pt    - Competition Points


AMin - Average Minutes
ATac - Average Tackles over 80 minutes
Tac% - Tackle Percentage [Tac/(Tac + MT)%]
ARun - Average Runs over 80 minutes
Am   - Average Metres per run
Min  - Minutes
Tac  - Tackles
MT   - Missed Tackles
Scr  - Scrums won
Pe   - Penalties conceeded
6A   - 6-Again penalties conceeded
LB   - Line Breaks
LA   - Line Break Assists
Rn   - Runs
DR   - Dummy-Half Runs
M    - Meters ran
Er   - Errors
Of   - Offloads
K    - Kicks
TA   - Try Assists
T    - Try
G    - Goal
FG   - Field Goal / Drop Goal
2FG  - 2 point Field Goal
5SB  - 5 minute sin bin
10SB - 10 minute sin bin
OR   - On Report
SO   - Sent Off
MRC  - Charged by Match Review Committee
Grd  - Ground
Wk   - Weeks
CO   - Carry Over points
G    - Grading
OOL  - Opposition Offload
OSc  - Scrums Lost
OPe  - Opposition Penalities conceeded
O6A  - Opposition 6-Again penalties conceeded
Cmp  - Completion Rate
EFT  - Effective First Tackle - location (advanced if a penalty or 6-again occurs)
1H   - 1st Half
2H   - 2nd Half


A  / Annandale  - Annandale RLFC
AR / Adelaide   - Adelaide Rams RLFC
B  / Balmain    - Balmain DRLFC
BB / Brisbane   - Brisbane Broncos RLFC
Bk / Blacktown  - Blacktown RLFC
B  / Syd Tigers - Sydney Tigers
C  / Canberra   - Canberra RLFC
CB / Canterbury - Canterbury-Bankstown DRLFC
CB / Syd Blldgs - Sydney Bulldogs
ES / Easts      - Eastern Suburbs DRLFC
ES / Syd City   - Sydney City Roosters
ES / Syd Rstrs  - Sydney Roosters
G  / Glebe      - Glebe DRLFC
GC / Gold Coast - Gold Coast RLFC
HM / Hunter     - Hunter Mariners RLFC
I  / Illawarra  - Illawarra RLFC
M  / Melbourne  - Melbourne RLFC
MW / Manly      - Manly-Warringah DRLFC
MP / Mt Prtchrd - Mt Pritchard Mounties RLFC
N  / Newtown    - Newtown DRLFC
Nw / Newcastle  - Newcastle RLFC
NS / Norths     - North Sydney Bears DRLFC
Pa / Parramatta - Parramatta DRLFC
Pe / Penrith    - Penrith DRLFC
R  / Dolphins   - Dolphins RLFC
SS / Souths     - South Sydney DRLFC
SG / St George  - St George DRLFC
SI / St Geo-Ill - St George-Illawarra RLFC
SM / St Marys   - St Marys RLFC
SU / University - Sydney University RLFC
W  / Wntwrthvll - Wentworthville RLFC
Wi / Windsor    - Windsor RLFC
WS / Wests      - Western Suburbs DRLFC
WT / Wests-Tig  - Wests-Tigers RLFC
WR / Perth      - Perth Western Reds


Aubr - Aubrey Reech Reserve
BelO - Belmore-Campsie Oval
Belm - Belmore Sports Ground
Belc - Belconnon Sports Complex
Birc - Birchgrove Oval
Ende - Endeavour Field
Cabr - Cabramatta Sports Ground
Camp - Campbelltown Stadium
Cess - Cessnock Sports Ground
Coog - Coogee Oval
CrHS - Cronulla High School Field
Crns - Barlow Park, Cairns
Crly - Cornley Banks Recreation Reserve, Melbourne
Cumb - Cumberland Oval
Ersk - Erskinveville Oval
Gabb - The Gabba, Brisbane
Geel - Geelong Stadium
Gosf - Gosford - Grahame Park / Central Coast Stadium
Grng - Michael Cronin Oval, Gerringong
Hens - Henson Park
HilG - Hills Grammer Field
HmCE - Homebush NSWRL Centre of Excellence
Kanw - Morrie Breen Field, Kanwal
Kirk - Kirkham Oval
Klyv - Kellyville Sports Complex
Koga - Kogarah Jubilee Oval
Kuri - Kurri Kurri Sportsground
Lang - Lang Park
Layb - HE Laybutt Stadium, Blacktown
Leic - Leichhardt Oval
Lidc - Lidcombe Oval
LngS - Lang Park Stadium / Brisbane Stadium
NISC - Newcastle International Sports Centre / Newcastle Stadium
NQSt - North Queensland Stadium
NSO  - North Sydney Oval
NwSG - Newcastle Showground
NwCE - Newcastle Center of Excellence
Mait - Maitland Sports Ground
Masc - Mascot Oval
MrcF - Marcellin Field
MtSm - Mt Smart Stadium
Mudg - Glen Willow Stadium, Mudgee
ParO - Parramatta Oval
Parr - Parramatta Stadium
Prat - Pratten Park
RASG - Sydney Showground, Moore Park
Ring - Ringrose Park
Redf - Redfern Oval
SCG  - Sydney Cricket Ground
SCG2 - Sydney Cricket Ground No.2
Seab - Seabrook Reserve, Broadmeadows, Melbourne
SFS  - Sydney Football Stadium (1988-2020)
SFS2 - Sydney Football Stadium Mark 2 (2022- )
SSG  - Sydney Sports Ground
StAu - Stadium Australia, Homebush
SunS - Sunshine Coast Stadium
TGMi - TG Milner Field
Wagg - McDonald's Park, Wagga Wagga
Went - Wentworth Park
Wind - Windsor Sports Complex
Woll - Wollongong Stadium
WSS  - Western Sydney Stadium
Wvly - Waverly Oval


101GP- 101 Great Rugby League Players
ABC  - ABC or Rugby League (2006)
AGP  - Australia's Greatest Players (1978)
AGG  - Australia's Greatest Games (1978)
BL   - Big League
BRLN - Brisbane Rugby League News
EEC  - EE Christensens Yearbook
Gaz  - The RL Gazette
GAoB - Glebe Act of Bastardry (2014)
GGRL - Gregory's Guide to Rugby League (1965)
HSN  - Hill Squad News
DMA  - David Middleton Annual
KTG  - Kangaroo Tour Guide
HoS  - History of Souths (1986)
NMRL - The Nearly Men of Rugby League
NwRLN - Newcasle Rugby League News
NwRR - [Newcastle] The Rebels of Rugby (1992)
PGz  - Police Gazette
PoL  - Pride of the League (2000)
QRRR - Red, Red Red - History of Queensland RU
Rab  - The Rabbitoh
RefA - Referee Annual
RLA  - Rugby League Annual/Handbook published by the NSWRL
RLE  - Rugby League Encyclopedia
RLG  - Rugby League Gazette
RLH  - Rugby League Heroes (1982)
RLL  - Rugby League Life/World
RLN  - Rugby League News
RLPi - Rugby League Pictorial
RLP  - Rugby League Project
RLr  - Rugby Leaguer
RLR  - Rugby League Review
RLW  - Rugby League Week
SHRL - Short History or Rugby League
SL   - Sporting Life
SLM  - Super League Magazine
SLN  - Sydney League News
SNo  - Sports Novells
Spt  - Sport Magazine
SSJ  - South Sydney Juniors
SSLC - South Sydney Leagues Club
SSLC-S - Souths/Souths Digest/Souths Set/Journal magazine published by the SSLC
TFW  - The First Wallabies (2000)
TTT  - Through Thick and Thin
TWRG - They Wear the Red & Green


Ar   - The Arrow
AS   - Australian Star
BCM  - Brisbane Courier Mail
BT   - Brisbane Telegraph
Cap  - The Capricorn
DM   - Daily Mirror (Sydney)
DT   - Daily Telegraph (Sydney)
EN   - Evening News (Sydney)
LD   - Labor Daily
Ref  - The Referee
Mir  - The Mirror (Sydney)
SH   - Sun Herald
SMH  - Sydney Morning Herald
SN   - Sunday News
Sp   - The Sportsman
SM   - Sunday Mirror
SSS  - South Sydney Sentinal
ST   - Sunday Telegraph
STi  - Sunday Times
Sun  - Sun (Sydney)
Tel  - Telepraph (Sydney)
Tr   - The Truth (Sydney)
WyAd - The Wyalong Advocate

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