South Sydney Rabbitohs Women Representative Players - End of Season 2023

A South Sydney Rabbitohs Representative player is anyone who while playing for South Sydney representated in season, or immediately after, in a end of season tour or tournaments like the World Cup without playing for another club. If they played for another club or NRLW club, their representaton will be recorded as occuring after leaving the club.

International Captains

                                  Internationals :               Other 
                              M(  W- D-L      %) :  M(  W- D-L      %)

International Captains - Other Nations (1)

                                                    Internationals :               Other 
                                                M(  W- D-L      %) :  M(  W- D-L      %)
Maejirs, Josephine (W-Fiji)           2023      1(  0- 0-1     0%) :

International Players - Australia (11)

                                                      Internationals :                          Other
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG  Pts :  M   S   I   T   G/A   FG  Pts

Davis-Welsh, Nakia   2018     (Commonwealth Games 9s Womens Squad)
Dwyer, Natalie       1996
Gale, Tarsha         1996
Huntington, Fiona    1996
Ingersoll, Mandy     1996
Manning, Kasey       1996
McGuffie, Julie      1996
Moss, Christina      1997
Moss, Katrina        1996
O'Neill, Loretta     1996
Studdon, Maddie      2018     (Commonwealth Games 9s Womens Squad)

International Players - Other Nations (12)

W-Cook Islands - (1)
                                                          Internationals :                              Other
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts :  M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Moale, Monique       2022              2   1  (1)  -   -      -   -    - :  1   1   -   1   -      -   -    4

W-Fiji - (5)
                                                          Internationals :                          Other
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts :  M   S   I   T   G/A   FG  Pts
Maejirs, Josephine   2023              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    - :
Raikadroka, Patricia 2023              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    - :
Rainima, Ema         2023              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    - :
Sa'anga, Siniva      2023              1   -  (1)  -   -      -   -    - :
Vunakece, Eloise     2019              1   -  (1)  -   -      -        - :

W-Italy - (1)
                                                          Internationals :                              Other
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts :  M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Perugini, Nikki      2022              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    - :

W-Malta - (1)
                                                          Internationals :                              Other
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG  2FG Pts :  M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Smith, Bianca        2022              2   2   -   -   -      -   -    - :

W-Papua New Guinea - (1)
                                                          Internationals :                              Other
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts :  M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Aiton, Therese       2022              3   2  (1)  1   -      -   -    4 :  2   1  (1)  -   -      -   -    -

W-Samoa - (1)
                                                          Internationals :                              Other
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts :  M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Eli, Makayla         2023              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    - :

W-Tonga - (2)
                                                          Internationals :                              Other
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts :  M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Mailangi, Seli       2022              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    - :
Muru, Shannon        2022              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    - :

Other International Representative Teams

W-Australian Indigenous - (11)
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Caldwell, Chloe      2018              1   -  (1)  -   -      -   -    -
Davis-Welsh, Nakia   2020              1   1   -   1   -      -   -    4
Donovan, Monique     2021              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    -
Kennedy, Kandy       2019              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    -
Kelly, Akira         2021              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    -
Lamb, Rikka          2018              1   -  (1)  -   -      -   -    -
Maza, Kiara          2018              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    -
McGrady, Sharon      2018-19           2   2   -   -   -      -   -    -
Nean, Kyara          2018-19           2   -  (2)  -   -      -   -    -
Phillips, Carly      2018              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    -
Simon, Taleena       2018              1   1   -   2   -      -   -    8

W-NZ Maori - (4)
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Butler, Harata       2023              1   -  (1)  -   -      -   -    -
Cassidy, Kahu        2023              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    -
Paekau, Capri        2023              1   -  (1)  -   -      -   -    -
Paki, Aaliyah        2023              1   -  (1)  -   -      -   -    -

South Sydney Rabbitohs Domestic Representative Players

State Captains

New South Wales
                              M(  W- D-L      %)
Gale, Tarsha
Studdon, Maddie      2018     1(  1- 0-0   100%)

Interstate Representative Players

New South Wales
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts

Davis-Welsh, Nakia   2018              1   1   -   1   -      -   -    4
Gale, Tarsha
O'Mealey, Lavina     2018              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    -
Riley, Rebecca       2018              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    -
Pearson, Rachel      2022              1   1   -   -   4/5    -   -    -
Simon, Taleena       2018              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    -
Studdon, Maddie      2018              1   1   -   -   2/3    -   -    4

New South Wales - U19
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Fallon, Kate         2023              1   -  (1)  -   -      -   -    -

W-Queensland (State of Origin)
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts

W-Northern Territory
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Sa'anga, Siniva      2023              4   4   -   -   1/3    -   -    -

W-Australian Defence Forces
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Longford, Mardi      2023              4   2  (2)  -   -      -   -    -

NSW Regional Captains

                              M(  W- D-L      %)

NSW Regional Representative Players

W-Sydney City
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts

Caldwell, Chloe      2018              3   2  (1)  -   -      -   -    -
Dwyer, Natalie       1996
Gale, Tarsha         1996
Huntington, Fiona    1996
Ingersoll, Mandy     1996
Mailangi, Seli       2021-22           2   -  (2)  -   -      -   -    -
Manning, Kasey       1996
Moale, Moniqua       2021              1   -  (1)  -   -      -   -    -
McGuffie, Julie      1996
Moss, Katrina        1996
O'Mealey, Lavina     2018              3   3   -   2   -      -   -    8
O'Neill, Loretta     1996
Riley, Rebecca       2018-19           3   3   -   -   -      -   -    -
Simon, Taleena       2018              1   1   -   1   -      -   -    4
Studdon, Maddie      2018              3   3   -   1   3      -   -   10
Uliburutu, Grace     2018              3   -  (3)  -   -      -   -    -

W-NSW Country
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Davis-Welsh, Nakia   2018              3   3   -   1   -      -   -    4
Grimes, Eunice       2018              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    -
Johnston, Ellie      2021              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    -
Nean, Kyara          2018              1   1   -   -   -      -   -    -

W-First Nation Gems
                     Years             M   S   I   T   G/A   FG 2FG  Pts
Duckett, Iesha       2023              4   4   -   -   -      -   -    -
Fallon, Kate         2023              4   4   -   -   -      -   -    -
Kelly, Akira         2021              6   6   -   1   9/11   -   -   22
Lamb, Rikka          2021              6   -  (6)  -   -      -   -    -
Luchwitz, Tazmyne    2021              6   6   -   1   -      -   -    4