2024 - The Cyber View from the Hill

7th Feb 2024

Vegas Preperation

As the countdown to Vegas and the season kickoff continues, South Sydney have re-aligned Heffron training field to the dimensions of the NFL pitch. The field is 100 yards (91.4 metres) by 53.3 yards (48.8 metres), compared to the regular rugby league field which is 100 metres by 66 meters. There has also been contriversey if NRL bad boys will be allowed into the USA, so discussions with US immigration have been going on as well. Souths are booked to fly on Monday and Tuesday after the Charity Shield with a stop over in Fiji. Where they will setup camp in San Diego.

Graham Surgery

Campbell Graham's recovery from Sterum injury is going to take much longer than expected, as he goes in for bone infussion surgery. As the standard recovery processes are not working as planned. This will now have him sit out three quarters of the season. On the bright side his shoulder surgery should be fully healed.

Feltham Hatrick

Our U17 Matts team had a huge win on the weekend, with a number of tallented players in the ranks. One standout was Darcy Feltham who finished the day scoring 3 tries in a quality fullback display.

U17 Girls Real Competition

The womens U17 competition has progressed this year into a fully aligned junior competition, as the womens pathways improve. Our U17 girls put in a strong performance only losing to a penalty goal. As long as the NRLW team is not delayed we will see this group of girls form the basis of that future team.

New Rules

An adjustment to the rules in 2024, will see see contested drop outs and kickoffs result in a 6-again infringment rather than a penalty. We will monitor how this plays out, as it benefits the defensive team and is seen as a way to reduce the kickoff concussions from the big collisions.

News This Week


Selected Junior Round 2 & Trial teams

Signing off for another week - the midweek Cyber View from the Hill