2024 NRL Premiership Round 7

South Sydney v Bye

Sat Apr 20

Selected Round 7 Teams

CyberView from the Hill - Last Week

CyberView from the Hill - This Week


Other NRL Round 7 Matches

18-12 SFS2 Melbourne  b Syd Rstrs       [Ch9/Foxtel/Kayo]
30-12 Woll St Geo-Ill b Warriors        [Foxtel/Kayo]
44-16 Darw Dolphins   b Parramatta      [Ch9/Foxtel/Kayo]
22-6  Bath Penrith    b Wests-Tig       [Foxtel/Kayo]
34-30 Robi Manly      b Gold Coast      [Foxtel/Kayo]
34-10 LngS Brisbane   b Canberra        [Foxtel/Kayo]
36-12 StAu Canterbury b Newcastle       [Foxtel/Kayo]
42-6  Ende Cronulla   b Nth Qld         [Ch9/Foxtel/Kayo]

               W D  L B Diff Pt
CRONULLA       5 -  1 1  +59 12
MELBOURNE      5 -  1 1  +20 12
DOLPHINS       4 -  2 1  +53 10
PENRITH        4 -  2 1  +30 10
MANLY          4 1  2 -  +25  9
BRISBANE       4 -  3 -  +40  8
CANBERRA       4 -  3 -  +14  8
NTH QLD        4 -  3 -   -8  8
St Geo-Ill     4 -  3 -  -18  8
Warriors       3 1  3 -  +20  7
Syd Rstrs      3 -  4 -  +31  6
Canterbury     3 -  4 -  +17  6
Wests-Tig      2 -  4 1  -21  6
Parramatta     3 -  3 -  -41  6
Newcastle      2 -  5 -  -29  4
Souths         1 -  5 1 -102  4
Gold Coast     - -  6 1  -90  2

Judiciary News

No one has been charged by the match review committee.

Reserve Grade - NSW Premiership Round 7


Other NSW Cup Round 7 Matches

40-14 Penr Penrith    b Wests
26-24 Coll Warriors   b St Geo-Ill [NSWRL TV]
14-10 Hens Blacktown  b Newtown    [NSWRL TV]
52-6  StAu Canterbury b Newcastle  [Foxtel/Kayo]
20-12 NSO  Norths     b Canberra   [NSWRL TV]
24-20 Went Syd Rstrs  b Parramatta

               W D  L B Diff Pt
PENRITH        6 -  - 1  +96 14
NORTHS         4 -  2 1  +50 10
SOUTHS         3 -  2 2  +28 10
CANTERBURY     5 -  2 -  +26 10
CANBERRA       4 1  2 - +102  9
St Geo-Ill     3 -  3 1  +16  8
Blacktown      4 -  3 -  -22  8
Newtown        2 1  3 1   -7  7
Warriors       3 -  4 -  -50  6
Newcastle      3 -  4 -  -54  6
Syd Rstrs      2 -  5 -  -22  4
Wests          1 -  5 1  -91  4
Parramatta     1 -  6 -  -74  2

NSWRL U21 Jersey Flegg - Round 7

v Fiji Silktails, Erskineville Oval, Sat Apr 20 1:05pm

WIN 22-14

Late changes - Molkentein is out. Martin starts on the wing, Lolohea at second row, King and Ibrahhim on the bench. Matakaiongo is the concussion sub. Dungay, Reeve drop off the bench. It was a wet afternoon, with a strong southerly blowing. After some early pressure the Silktails crossed out wide to take a early lead. Humphries gave lovely inside ball to Kaho who ran 30 metres to score. An error from Souths in the wet allowed the Silktails to main tain pressure at they crossed. When the Silktails made a error from the kickoff it gave the Rabbitohs a opportunity where clever play from Macey saw Grossemy crash over near the posts. A late penaly goal to the Silktails, and its 12 all at the break. The second half started as the first half ended with another goal to the Silktails as they took a 14 to 12 lead. But the Rabbitohs showed a new steal as the game progressed. A few minutes later it was Martin throwing a miracle offload on the last play to send Macey over in the corner. The Rabbitohs hit the lead, 16-14. A scrum play saw Martin score out wide, and a sideline goal from Brent HAwkins gave South Sydney a commanding 8 point lead. The Rabbitohs hung on to win the win the game and the new Manoa Thompson Bowl.

 4 min  0-4
11 min  6-4  Kaho try B.Hawkins goal
20 min  6-10
24 min 12-10 Grossemy try B.Hawkins goal
35 min 12-12
HT     12-12
45 min 12-14
49 min 16-14 Macey try B.Hawkins miss
56 min 22-14 Martin try B.Hawkins goal

Kaho, Grossemy, Macey, Martin tries
B.Hawkins 3 from 4 goals

Weather      Raining (17C)

Referee      Brayden Hunt
Touch Judges Robert Morey / Joel Pitscheider

Scrums     5-6 (1H  2-3 ) 
Penalties  5-7 (1H  2-2 ) 
6-Again    3-3 (1H  0-2 )

Final Line Up -
                                 Min Tac Pe 6A MT LA LB  Rn  DR    m Er OL   K TA  T  G/A  FG 2FG
Flbk -  1 - Towns, Dane           70  10  -  -  1  -  -   6   -   29  1  -   -  -  -  -     -   -
LWng -  2 - Dimovitch, Aaron      70   6  -  -  -  -  -   7   -   52  1  -   1  -  -  -     -   -
LCnt -  4 - Kaho, Carson          70   8  -  -  2  -  2  10   -  150  1  1   -  -  1  -     -   -
RCnt -  3 - Macey, Aaron          70   8  -  -  3  2  1   9   -   55  1  -   -  2  1  -     -   -
RWng -  5 - Martin, Max           70   5  1  -  1  1  1   9   -   77  1  1   -  1  1  -     -   -
5/8  -  6 - Humphries, Matthew    70  19  -  1  1  2  -   6   -   50  1  -   3  1  -  -     -   -
Half -  7 - Hawkins, Brent        70  18  -  1  3  -  -   3   -   20  -  1   7  -  -  3/4   -   -
Prop -  8 + Laefa, Jarvis         40  12  -  -  3  -  -  13   -  112  1  -   -  -  -  -     -   -     [0-21,51-70]
Hook -  9 - Doolan, Aiden         56  22  -  -  1  -  -   1   -    7  1  -   1  -  -  -     -   -     [0-56] 40-20
Prop - 10 - Sullivan, Toby        54  28  1  -  2  -  -  12   -  106  -  -   -  -  -  -     -   -     [0-30,46-70]
LSRw - 12 + Lolohea, Sione        40  18  -  -  1  -  -   6   -   42  1  -   -  -  -  -     -   -     [0-40]
RSRw - 11 - Alhazim, Joshua       70  30  1  -  4  -  -  10   -   81  2  -   -  -  -  -     -   -     OR
Lock - 13 - Grossemy, Louis       70  47  -  -  -  -  1  11   -   61  2  -   -  -  1  -     -   - (c) 

Int  - 14 - Herring, TJ           14   8  -  -  -  -  -   1   -    5  -  1   -  -  -  -     -   -     [56-70]
Int  - 15 - King, Kayde           16   9  1  1  1  -  -   3   -   26  -  -   -  -  -  -     -   -     [30-46]
Int  - 16 - Jinks, Samuel         30  11  2  -  2  -  -   7   -   45  -  1   -  -  -  -     -   -     [40-70]
Int  - 20 + Ibrahim, Mikael       30  16  1  -  2  -  -   6   -   55  -  -   -  -  -  -     -   -     [21-51]

Conc - 17 - Matakaiongo, Daniel                                                                       (DNP)

                                     275  7  3 27  5  5          981 13  5  12  4  4  3/4   -   -

Completion Rate      - 23/31  74%

Opposition Offloads  - 7

Effective 1st Tackles

 1 min  64m ///// Humphries kick \ 25m \ SS P(Sullivan) \\\\\
 2 min  95m SS Err(Martin) SCR 94m \ SS P(Martin) \\\\ (F TRY-R)
 6 min  12m KO \\\\\
 8 min  51m / ///// Hawkins kick 31m \\ SS 6A(Humphries) \\\\\
11 min   0m / P / P // TRY
14 min  22m ///// Humphries kick COF \\\\\
16 min  33m ///// BHawkins kick COF \\\\\
17 min  16m SS Err(Dimovitch) SCR
19 min  90m F Err SCR //// SS Err(Lolohea) 80m \ \\\ SS-6A(BHawkins) \\ (F TRY)
22 min  19m KO
24 min   0m F Err SCR ///// TRY
26 min  94m SS Err(Alhazim) SCR \\\\
29 min  16m / ///// BHawkins kick ChOv \\\\\
31 min  10m ///// SS Err(Humphries) NO TRY \\\\\
33 min 100m ///// Humphries kick 29m \\\\\ SS P(King) (F GOAL) 

half time

35 min  45m KO 15m \\\ SS-6A(King) 45m \\
37 min  19m F Err SCR ///// SS Err(Grossemy) SCR \\\\\
39 min  83m SS Err(Macey) \\\
42 min  26m P //// Doolan kick 40-20 ///// SS Err(Dimovitch) 14m \ SS P(Alhazim) \\\\\
43 min 100m SS Err(Doolan) \ 54m \\\ SS P(Grossemy) (F GOAL)
45 min  16m KO \\\\
46 min  65m F Err / SS Err(Alhazim) \ \\\
49 min   0m F Err / // P ///// TRY
52 min  20m ///// BHawkins kick COF \\\
55 min  10m F Err ///// P ///// BHawkins kick SS NO TRY
56 min   0m F Err SCR TRY
59 min  80m //// SS Err(Laefa) SCR 46m \\ SS P(Alhazim) \\\\\
62 min  89m SS Err(Kaho) SCR 83m \ SS P(Jinks) \\\\\
65 min  31m ///// BHawkins kick \\\\
66 min  19m ///// BHawkins kick COF \\\\\
            F Err SCR

Average effective 1st tackle location
- 43.6m - for the whole match

- 45.5m - 1st half 
- 41.9m - 2nd half 

Other U21 Premiership Round 7 Matches

20-18 Penr Wests-Tig  b Penrith
28-22 Coll Warriors   b St Geo-Ill
26-20 NwCE Newcastle  b Canterbury
24-16 Bdmw Canberra   b Melbourne
36-24 Went Syd Rstrs  b Parramatta
30-10 Ende Cronulla   b Manly

               W D  L Diff Pt
CANBERRA       6 -  1  +94 12
NEWCASTLE      5 -  2  +40 10
WESTS-TIG      5 -  2   +9 10
CANTERBURY     4 -  2  +81  8 **
PENRITH        4 -  2  +57  8 **
St Geo-Ill     4 -  3  +37  8
Melbourne      4 -  3  +22  8
Souths         3 1  2  -28  7 **
Syd Rstrs      3 -  3  +38  6 **
Manly          3 -  3   +2  6 **
Cronulla       2 1  3  -26  5 **
Warriors       1 -  5  -92  2 **
Parramatta     - -  7  -96  -
Fiji Slkts     - -  6 -134  - **

** - postponed

NSWRL U19 SG Ball Cup - Preliminary Finals

28-22 Hens (4v1) Canterbury b Syd Rstrs  [NSWRL TV] *
36-4  Leic (2v3) St George  b Newcastle  [NSWRL TV] *
NSWRL U17 Matthews Cup - Preliminary Finals

12-10 Hens (4v1) Warriors   b Canterbury [NSWRL TV] *
 8-6  Leic (2v3) Wests      b Cronulla   [NSWRL TV] *
NSWRL Womens U19 Tarsha Gale Cup - Preliminary Finals

26-4  Leic (1v4) Illawarra  b Cronulla   [NSWRL TV]
28-0  Leic (3v2) Newcastle  b Canterbury [NSWRL TV]

NSWRL Womens U17 Lisa Fiaola Cup - Preliminary Finals

22-4  Leic (1v4) Canterbury b Newcastle  [NSWRL TV]
32-14 Leic (3v2) Wests-Tig  b Illawarra  [NSWRL TV]

NRL Premiership Round 7 Post Game Analysis

Ref - FN-1 / FN-3